Hi guys! What a tired week. Tiap-tiap hari pon ada assignment nak kene siapkan. huhu. Mungkin memang macam ni la kan gaya hidup student di akhir-akhir semester. So, be positive ! hehe. Okay untuk minggu ini kami diberikan 4 aktiviti yang perlu diabuat di dalam kelas.

Aktiviti 1 : Develop a motion tween animation of pendulum


Aktiviti 2: Upload a morphing animation of butterfly life cycle. Start from lava to butterfly.


Aktiviti3: Implementing frame-by-frame skill, sketch a cartoon and animate it.


Aktiviti 4: Animate the process of pollinating agent.


Pada akhir kelas, kak farhana telah menginstallkan kami apps 4 untuk ipad dan kami juga diberi tugasan bagi apps 4 untuk dibuat dan diupload pada google site. Berikut merupakan tugasan bagi apps 4...

TASK 1: Create a multiple choice questions that will provide a correct or incorrect response upon your answer.

  1. Name layer as Question.
  2. Choose text tool -->choose static text-->start typing the question
  3. Insert new layer-->name layer as buttons
  4. Create button using oval tool-->drag it on stage-->choose appropriate color-->resize the button
  5. Choose text tool-->Put 'A' on top of the button
  6. Select whole button-->click modify-->convert it to symbol-->name the button as button A-->choose button type-->OK
  7. Same goes to others 3 button (buttonB,buttonC,buttonD)-->choose appropriate color and resize each button(same size as buttonA)-->convert all the buttons to symbol and choose button type.
  8. Insert new layer-->name as respon.
  9. Choose text tool-->choose dynamic text-->put respon as it variable
  10. Inser another layer-->name as action-->put action script by right click and choose actions.The action script:
var respon;
respon = " "

    11. Since the answer is A-->right click-->choose actions-->type in the action script below: The action  script:

respon = "Congrates, Your answer is correct!";

    12. Do the same step for buttonB,C and D (repeat right click-->choose actions-->type in the action script-->just edit the respon according what you want it to be.
    13. Control-->test movie-->done.

TASK 2 : Create one application that allows user to type an input of question provided.

  1. Prepare your background
  2. Choose rectangel tool-->fill with color-->drag on to the stage
  3. Choose text tool to type in topic question by make sure it is static type-->name layer as background
  4. Insert new layer-->name as question
  5. Choose text tool-->choose static type-->type in questions
  6. Then, select rectangle tool and create a box on stage
  7. Select text tool-->preposotion ir and make sure selecting input text in the properties
  8. SElect text tool again-->but now choose dynamic text
  9. Insert new layer-->name as buttons
  10. From library paner-->choose play button-->drag to stage-->resize the button
  11. Insert new ;ayer and name it as stop.
  12. Right click on first keyframe and choose actions.Type in the action script below.
         The action script:
         var answer;
         answer =" "
         respon = " "

   13. Select button-->right click-->choose actions.Type in the action script below.

         The action script:
         on(release){ if(answer =="print client") {respon="Correct!";}
         respon ="Incorrect,your answer"+answer+"is wrong";
         on(release,kerPress"<Enter>"){if(answer=="print client"){respon="Correct!";}
         respon ="Incorrect,your answer"+anwser+"is wrong";

    14. In the input text field-->type in 'answer' for it variable
    15. In the dynamic text field-->type in 'respon' for it variable
    16. Control-->test movie-->done.

TASK 3: Create a Main Menu that contain following actions:
  • A button that navigate from one page to another.
  • A button that navigate from one scene to particular frame of different scene.
  • A button that navigate users to other webpage.
  1. Create the background-->insert logo image,header for the website and button(home,the novels and about)
  2. Next, click on the 'Home' button--> go to properties-->type in 'home' in the instance name field. Repeat this for the other two button, but do change the instance name according to the button name.
  3. Duplicate scene. To do this, go to window-->other panels-->scene--> rename it from scene1 to scene2
  4. Select scene2-->choose text tool-->type in the description
  5. Do the same step as step 4 for scene 1.
  6. Test the movie.Here we can see that the description that we create are keep repeating non-stop. Hence, we insert the action script at the button frame.
            Action script : stop();
     7.  Testing again.
     8.  Before we do that, we insert frame for all layer (until frame no 15) in scene1. Same goes to scene 2.
     9.  In scene 2, insert new layer-->name as novel-->go to properties-->in the same field, type 'novel'. On            the novel layer, it shows the name of frame that we type in.
     10.  Still in the scen2, insert new layer-->name as stop-->right click on the first frame-->choose actions--type action script 'stop();'.
     11.  Now, change to scene 1, right click on the 'The novels' button-->choose actions. Type action script:
     12.  The action script :

              on (release){
     gotoAndPlay("Scene2", 1);

     13.  Test the movie-->click on the'The novels' button, it will show novel page. But when click on the home button, nothing happen. It is because we not insert the action script yet.
     14.  To do this, we change from scene 1 to scene 1, then we right click the 'home' button-->choose      actions. Type in the action script.
                    gotoAndStop("Scene1", 1);

     15. Testing the movie again. Now try click on the home button and novel button. It will show the pages.
     16. To activate button 'About' in scene 1-->right click the about button-->choose action. Type in the action script.
          on(release) {

TASK 4 : Based on your own creativity, create a simple flash application that involves drag and drop function.

  1. Draw 3 rectangle named red, yellow and blue.
  2. Select the rectangle-->click modify-->convert it to symbol-->name as redrec-->choose movie clip type-->ok
  3. Repeat step 2 for each rectangle.
  4. Insert new layer-->name as round
  5. Draw 3 circle-->select the image-->convert it to symbol-->name as redround,yellowround and blueround-->choose movie clip-->ok.
  6. Since we want to drag the circle to the rectangle, then, right click on the redround-->choose actions. Type in the action script below.
  7. The action script : on (press) { startDrag(this,true);} on (release) { stopDrag(); }
  8. Repeat step 5 and apply to yellowround and blueround.
  9. Control-->test movie--> done.
You can access my .swf file by go to my site. :)


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